The Planning Cycle
Reflecting on your work and meeting the NQS
Here at Smarty Arty our job is to make life easier for all educators. We make a range of products to help you meet the requirements of the NQS and the EYLF, but through this post we are going to look at the planning cycle so you can evaluate your own planning and see if you can see the flow or the cycle in your planning.
Through NQS 1.1 Each child’s current knowledge, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of the program. Can you see this in your program? Do you have a place where you have observed a child's interest/ideas or abilities and show how you have enhanced, supported, or expanded on their current interests or knowledge.
Can you see if you look back over your planning for a period of approx. 6weeks that you show every child is included as part of your planning, and you can see how each of those children have been supported in their learning or challenged in their abilities allowing them the opportunity to grow?
Does your planning show evidence of all different types of learning for each child including exploring their own identity, experiences in culture and community events, growth in their learning and does your planning show their voice? Meaning by reading it can you see the different children, they way they act and react and different stages of their development scattered throughout the pages of your planning.
Does your planning show routine and a familiar cycle that children can grow from and gain the most out of their learning experiences from having a secure and familiar foundation.
Is your planning available for parents to see when they drop off or pick up. Is there communication with your parents? Now I know lots of parents are busy and sometimes it might seem a lot of work if no one seems to look, but even if it is only you who reads and sees the pages of your planning, still you can look back and see the growth of the children you have nurtured, you can see the difference you have made and the evidence is in these pages and what we as educators are partly assessed on when the time comes.
Do you have a place in your planning that is your voice, your reflection on the day/week. An honest account of what worked, what didn't and things you want to do, ideas you have for the children, and your plan ahead on how you are going to get there.
Can you see or do you have links from your planning back to the EYLF? Do you offer a range of activities that provide and extensive and holistic approach to a child's learning? How do you reflect on the activities on offer or the activities the children have access to?
If you can see all these things evident in your planning, then you can prove that you are meeting the NQS 1.1. Through going through this blog and assessing your planning and seeing all these things you are already critically assessing not only your planning cycle but the program and planning you have for the children.
If you can't see all these things.......don't worry we are here to help. We have built a yearly planner that covers all of what we reflected upon above. There is places to put what you can see the children are interested in or planning you have in place to challenge and enhance their learning, then you can show from that how it progressed, the children's voices our planner is structured but flexible to allow all of this to be shown.
There is a place for regular routines, outings, and it's all in a book that is easy to take everywhere with you, and easy to display for parents to see.
We have sections where it shows the activities you had on offer today, a place to write notes that parents have told you, or a place they can write on too. Your premises checklist is also included.
Then we reflect and connect. we have a reflections place where you can write a few sentences about the main focus of the day or a special little something about each child, and an easy access EYLF section available to tick or highlight and expand if needed.
Finally pictures are worth 1000 words we even have space for weekly photos, or art work if you want. There is even a forward planning area, where you can write up your ideas, resources you might want or other things to extend on something you have seen.
But while it sounds extensive...and it is EASY, and not time consuming like you may think. Using this planner, planning takes only a few minutes a day 5-10 min tops.
And we not just sell a resource and forget about it. I am always happy to help and provide support, via phone or email in regards to making the most out of your time and planning. If you live close by I can even pop in if you really need me.
So if our yearly planner is something you need you can find it under our Childcare Planning Tools on our website.
Feel free to ask questions, or post your comments below. Childcare is an important part of our greater community. One that comes under constant review and criticism, and united we need to help support one another and provide the best care possible to the children of our generation.